Anson built 21/02/1905 by Cook Welton & Gemmell Beverley for William Grant Grimsby
02/1915 Requisitioned as a Minesweeper.
03/1917 Renamed Anson II
1920 Returned
16/01/1920 Sold to the Sylvia Steam Fishing Co Ltd Grimsby
30/08/1922 Bought by the Dobson Steam Fishing Co Ltd Grimsby
27/02/1931 went to Charles Dobson Grimsby
10/1939 Requisitioned as an Auxiliary Patrol Vessel
05/1940 Converted to a Dan Layer
1941 Renamed Cockade and based at Grimsby
1944 Renamed Stockade and converted to a Water Carrier
26/03/1945 Sold to the Wembley Steam Fishing Co Ltd Grimsby
03/07/1945 Laid up at Grimsby

Her Details are
- Official Number 118943
- Yard Number 66
- Admiralty number 1090
- Armament 1 6pdr
- GT 211 NT83
- Quarter Deck 58
- Dimensions 115.4 x 21.6 x 11.5
- Engines Amos & Smith 65 NHP 10 knots
Left Grimsby for scrapping on the Tyne on the 26/08/1949