
Nuttallia GY 1095

Nuttallia built 09/1899 Schofield, Hagerup & Dooughty for North Eastern Steam Fishing Co
01/1907 Nuttallia was seriously damaged in a storm and limped into Aberdeen where the Daily Journal reported:
Terrible Experiences of the Trawler, Man washed over board
Vessel seriously damaged
Aberdeen Fish Market last night the arrival of the Grimsby trawler Nuttallia, her appearance indicating that she had come through terrific weather.The Nuttallia, as she steamed up the channel, presented an unusual appearance, her mast head light having been fixed to the funnel, owing to the foremast having been washed away. The wheelhouse was a complete wreck, only a portion of the sides remaining standing, while the decks were swept clear of nearly all the fittings.
About seven o’ clock in the morning while it was still dark a huge sea came over the vessel washing one of the deckhands, Alfred Pearson 22, overboard and carrying away the foremast. Pearson was on watch in the wheelhouse at the time the sea was shipped and it is supposed that he was carried through the roof of the wheelhouse by the force of the water as the roof was completely lifted off and carried away. George Whitebread was on deck away aft at the time and he stated that he did not see Pearson being washed overboard as it was very dark at the time and he had to run behind the engine-room casing to save himself from being carried overboard.
13/03/1917 captured and taken as prize Retaining her Name by UC 44, Commander Kurt Tebbenjohanns 60 miles South of Fair isle, The crew of 12 taken prisoner
28/07/1917 The vessel sunk by mine in North Sea while under German control
UC 44 was lost a week later when one of the mines she was laying exploded.

Her Details are

  • Official Number 110919
  • GT 229 NT 115
  • Dimensions 121.5 x 21.6 x 11.5
  • Quarter Deck 48 Foc’sle 21

30/03/1917 Sunk by U Boat in North Sea or captured