Olearia Built 01/08/1899 Cochrane & Cooper of Selby for North Eastern Steam Fishing Co Grimsby
Registered 12/08/1899
23/05/1917 Stopped by UC33 commanded by Martin Schelle and sunk 65 miles WSW of North End of Sydero
No reported casulaties

Her Details are
- Official Number 110898
- Yard Number 253
- GT 209 NT 76
- Dimensions 117 x 21.5 x 11.2
- Quarter Deck 48′ Foc’sle 20′
- Engines by C D Holmes 60 RHP 3 cyl 10 Knots
23/05/1917 Sunk by U Boat on Faroe Bank Registry Closed 13/06/1917